Participation Required

Participation Required

November 1, 2019

I walked aimlessly through the cobblestone streets of Barcelona. Aimlessly, but not passively. I was actively engaged with my surroundings. Because everything was different and new, my eyes saw only beauty. I let my fingertips run along the brick walls as I walked and I felt happy to be alive.

I few weeks beforehand, without much thought or planning, I bought a ticket to Spain. I guess I did it because I could. I had always wanted to travel by myself across the ocean, and I didn’t want it to always be a simple desire. I wanted it to be an actual experience.

Nothing was stopping me except practicality. I work part-time at a coffee shop with the lowest amount in my checking account since post-college life, but technically I had enough to fund the trip. And I thought back to my office life when I had more than enough in my bank, yet I limited my participation in the world to getting up early and going to the office and drinking drip coffee.

There’s people who are completely content with the life they are living, getting up in the morning to wear their suit and tie, or their white coat, or their apron. I think that’s wonderful. And there are others in very limiting circumstances that don’t have the option. And I admire their endurance.

But then there are those who dream for something different than what they have. They are very capable of fulfilling those desires, yet don’t make any changes. They don’t want to ask too much from life because they are afraid of disappointment. They would rather keep it as a dream. But we can’t sleep our lives away.

“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it.” -Elizabeth Gilbert

During my time in Spain, I met a German engineer who quit his job and took a road trip across Europe. He’s living in Madrid for a month to learn flamenco dancing because he’s always loved the art of it.

I met a couple from Panama who quit their jobs to travel through Asia and Europe the last six months, taking odd jobs in each country to supplement their stay and working on side projects in these new creative environments.

I met a man from Israel. He makes promo videos for television, but he’s always wanted to be a photographer. So he took an extended holiday from work, and has been traveling to London, Paris, Spain to set up photoshoots and build his portfolio in the most extraordinary and unconventional way.

I’m inspired by these dreamers and the way they are full participants of their lives. They are actively engaged in each step they take. And it isn’t because they made dramatic changes, it’s because they made intentional choices.

I’m as inspired by a friend who quit his non-profit job and took some programming courses because he felt like that was the next step for him. He starts his new job next week. I met a woman who had a master’s in marriage and family therapy, and after working a few years in that field, decided to go back to school. She is now working as a nurse. These don’t seem as dramatic of a change as quitting your job and traveling the world, but it’s as intentional.

I want to live my life intentionally and not passively, to remember that participation is required to live fully. I want to appreciate that my choices don’t have to look like another’s. And if I desire, change is possible.

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  1. I cannot wait to buy the book you write someday, seriously Janele you have a gift!
    Thanks for sharing glimpses of it! 🙂
    Te quiero mi amiga

    1. You don’t know how encouraging this is, the idea that you could see me writing a book one day..
      Tu alma es hermosa

  2. Janele!! You are brilliant and a women who is constantly being led by the Lord! I love how intentionally you live your life! Thanks for sharing your life with the world.

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